Saturday, 16 March 2019

Joy Spotting #8: Are you becoming a puppeteer?

I have seen a lot of people who want control over lot many things their lives, like relationships, love, jobs, marriage, money, children, health etc.

You will ask me – So what’s wrong in that? Shouldn’t we be in control of our lives? We just can’t be careless? Isn’t it?

Yes, you should have control over all of these and many more, but not to an extent that it worries you.
A slight deviation in your plan and it nags you.

For e.g. You have a certain beautiful vision about your relationship with your spouse or children or colleague. But the reality is showing you a different picture altogether. Doesn’t mean your relationship with that person is going all wrong…and you start thinking of how to bring this person back to the storyline that you had written in your mind…It’s not going the way you had thought of.

Life is not a puppet show where a storyline is being played in front of the world by you ‘the puppeteer’; and where you guide and direct the characters in and around your life.

And if you are becoming a puppeteer…where you are pulling strings to make the other person, relationship or situation to behave in a manner that you would like to see, it will lead you being worried, stressed and helpless too at times.

What to do in when you find yourself becoming a puppeteer of your life?

Take the first step towards acceptance: Accept what you see in real. Everything cannot be programmed as per your wish.

Second step: In that reality, find goodness in what you have. Work towards amplifying that goodness in people/situations/relationships. And while you are at it, don’t go back to the other ‘programmed’ vision you had about them and try to bring that vision in to reality.

This might take some time but will give you immense freedom, lightness and joy.

Remember…focus on what you have and the goodness in these ‘haves’ and you will most certainly will find yourself in a happy space.

 Cheers J