Friday, 19 April 2019

Joy Spotting #10: 'Pamper' is the Keyword

Is all the wear and tear on the body and mind in this fast paced life taking all the fun away?

This weekend, go and 'pamper' yourself. Go for that delicious cuisine that you love the most, shop for new clothes, visit a spa, spend some time on a hobby that you never had time for; anything that will give you happiness. It may not be any of the things that I have mentioned above. It could be just a simple stroll, listening to your favourite music tracks or just soaking in the sun.

Just spend sometime loving your own self.

Don't just do it this weekend. Whenever you feel like, even in the middle of a busy week day...have fun!

The more you spend happy and joyful moments with your own self, the better you will become with people and situations around you.

A happy mind is more powerful than anything else in this world. Even if you are in a very crazy and difficult phase of your life, this will work as magic as you will attract and achieve whatever you wish for.

Pamper...pamper...pamper! Your keyword not for any Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to improve your online presence, but a Life Existence Optimization (LEO) to be on the top in your life journey!

Happy Weekend :)

Saturday, 13 April 2019

Joy Spotting #9: Hit Restart on Your Life!

It was a lazy day on a weekend, and I was catching up with an old friend. After a while, I glanced at my laptop and noticed that it was stuck at one of the open web pages and a buffering symbol was rotating in 'loop'.

I realised that it is not going to work or can do anything else until I just restart my laptop. My friend also suggested that I should clear all cache and it will work smoothly there on.

And here in that fraction of a second I also realised that it is such a simple and magical analogy to save us from lot of our life issues and problems that we feel stuck with!

Many a times, all of us just keep pondering over issues, keep haggling over what's going to happen and just feel stuck with problems that seem to have no end.

Why not 'restart' your life, clear the 'cache'of all the stored worries and make some empty space in your mind to bring in happiness and joy?

It beautifully works as you regain strength to again get on with your life, with much more ease and without the burden of your old problems that kept lingering in your mind.

Try it! It will be a new beginning and going to bring small and big joys in your life for sure.

Hit Restart NOW!
