Friday 16 June 2023

Joy Spotting #14: Overcoming Fear: Empowering Your Mind to Conquer Fear and Anxiety

Living in a constant state of fear can be overwhelming, robbing us of the joy and freedom we deserve. But fear doesn't have to control our lives. In this post, I will explore the concept of fear, address common questions such as "Can you really overcome fear?", understand why some individuals are more fearful than others, and provide practical tips on how to train your mind to overcome fear.

1. Why am I so fearful?

Fearfulness can have various underlying causes. Factors that contribute to individual fearfulness include:

a. Past Traumatic Experiences: Previous traumatic events can leave a lasting impact, leading to heightened fear responses in similar situations.

b. Learned Behaviors: Observing and internalizing fear reactions from others, such as family or society, can contribute to your own fearfulness.

c. Genetic Predispositions: Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition towards anxiety and fear-related responses.

d. Societal Influences: Cultural and societal factors can shape our perceptions of fear and impact our levels of fearfulness.

Understanding your own fears and reflecting on these contributing factors can provide insights into why you may be more fearful than others.

2. What is the root cause of fear?

At its core, fear often stems from the anticipation of pain, loss, or danger. It can be triggered by specific situations, people, objects, or thoughts that we associate with negative experiences or potential harm. The root causes of fear are highly individual and can vary from person to person. By examining our fears and exploring past experiences, we can uncover the underlying beliefs and associations that fuel our fears.

3. How can I train my mind to overcome fear?

Training your mind to overcome fear requires a proactive and consistent approach. Here are some effective strategies to consider:

a. Identify and Challenge Negative Thoughts: Pay attention to the thoughts that accompany your fears. Challenge their validity by questioning evidence and considering alternative perspectives. Replace negative and irrational thoughts with positive and empowering ones.

b. Practice Mindfulness and Self-Compassion: Cultivate mindfulness, which involves being fully present in the moment. This practice helps you observe your fears without judgment and fosters self-compassion. Engage in mindfulness techniques like meditation and deep breathing to manage fear and anxiety effectively.

c. Gradual Exposure Therapy: Gradually confront your fears in a controlled and supportive manner. Start with small steps and expose yourself to situations, people or objects that trigger fear. Over time, you can build confidence and desensitize your responses.

d. Seek Professional Help: If your fear significantly impacts your daily life, consider consulting a mental health professional. They can provide guidance, support, and specialized techniques tailored to your needs, facilitating your journey to overcome fear.

4. Can you really overcome fear?

Yes, it is possible to overcome fear. While fear may always be present to some extent, you can change your relationship with fear and reduce its impact on your life. Overcoming fear is a gradual process that involves understanding its origins, challenging negative thoughts, and developing coping mechanisms. With commitment and perseverance, you can lead a more fearless and fulfilling life.

Thursday 15 June 2023

Joy Spotting #13: Your individuality is your superpower!

Follow my Instagram Channel: @motivation__mojo for your daily dose of inspiring thoughts.

Thursday 10 March 2022

Joy Spotting #12: Simple Ways To Be Happy Right NOW!

 It's all about the small things, my friend.

Happiness is a choice, which means you can find joy in the smallest of things. Some days, it's not easy to choose joy. But when you do, life starts to feel so much lighter and more fun. Do you think that's why they call it "playing"?

So have some fun today—even if it's just for a little while. It'll put you in a better mood and help everything else go smoother!

Here are some of my favorite ways to find joy:

1. Take a moment to listen to the birds chirping outside your window. It's amazing how this small gesture can brighten your day!

2. The smell of fresh flowers is sure to make anyone's day brighter. Pick up a bouquet of flowers from the grocery store on your way home from work and enjoy their scent in your home!

3. Take a few minutes out of your day to meditate or pray. This can bring peace and calm into even the busiest of schedules!

Still feeling a little blah, or like your life isn't really going anywhere?

If so, you need to absorb what I'm going to say now:

We know—it sounds too good to be true. But it's not. All you have to do is start paying attention to the things that bring you joy, no matter how small they might be. The things that make you smile, that make you feel grateful, or proud of yourself and your accomplishments—these are what will keep you going when times are tough.

Start by taking a few minutes each day to think about what brought you joy today. Maybe it was something as simple as having a cup of hot chocolate with a friend or seeing an old man petting a dog in the park. Whatever it is, write it down and keep track of your moments of joy over time. You'll be surprised at how much they add up!

We all have days where we just can't seem to find joy in anything. Those are the days when we need to remember that, even if we feel unloved, or unappreciated, or just plain down in the dumps, there is someone out there who...loves us? Appreciates us? Is just as depressed and down in the dumps as we are? Well, maybe not that last one. But someone out there will always be worse off than you. And you know what that means? It means you're better off than them.

Look at it this way: if everyone who is better off than you is above you, and everyone who is worse off than you is below you, then we can all assume that you...are...the middle child! Congratulations!

Don't think of yourself as the center of the universe! Now go out there and tell your most loved ones how much you love them.

I would love to know your views in finding joy. Please drop your comments below.

Cheers :)

Tuesday 22 February 2022

Joy Spotting #11: 3 important factors to consider for a happy marriage


I was talking to a friend yesterday and discussing the success and failure of marriages.

Even a long courtship doesn't always guarantee a successful marriage. Why? Isn't few years of knowing each other enough to know a person well?

I think our minds are not wired correctly to understand this bond. Knowing each other will not give you the stamp of approval that the marriage will work.

What works and should be considered before taking the plunge are these 3 important factors:

1. The Values

Very important to know, is to understand the person's values that s/he has imbibed over the growing years. These can include values (or beliefs) related with family, friends, career, outlook towards life, companionship, money etc. Values form the basis of one's life and its outcomes. Extremely crucial to understand it well about the other person's way of thinking and his/her outlook towards life.

 2. Inner Self

We all look at the physical well-being of a person, while choosing a life partner. His/her physical attributes in terms of beauty, looks, grooming etiquettes, hygiene and everything that we can see  from the outside. What we miss out is what's inside the other person.  The inside will let you know a lot about the other person. What makes him/her happy, sad, angry, fearful. The person's struggles, strengths, weaknesses. And in all of that you can fall in love with the actual person, taking it all in your stride. 

3. Transparency

When you are aware of the above (Values, Inner self), you need to be transparent with your own self to accept whether you are in sync with the other person. Do not hide or brush it off if there are signs of doubts in your mind. The transparency has to be with the other person too, in reaching out and sharing your doubts. If something can be worked upon, and mutually agreeable, even with a set of differences, it can still culminate into a good relationship.

With these 3 important factors in consideration, lot of issues that we see everyday between couples will certainly minimise. There will be much harmony, and love and most importantly...longevity in relationships or marriages.

And every marriage solemnised will be 'happily ever after'!

Cheers :)


Friday 19 April 2019

Joy Spotting #10: 'Pamper' is the Keyword

Is all the wear and tear on the body and mind in this fast paced life taking all the fun away?

This weekend, go and 'pamper' yourself. Go for that delicious cuisine that you love the most, shop for new clothes, visit a spa, spend some time on a hobby that you never had time for; anything that will give you happiness. It may not be any of the things that I have mentioned above. It could be just a simple stroll, listening to your favourite music tracks or just soaking in the sun.

Just spend sometime loving your own self.

Don't just do it this weekend. Whenever you feel like, even in the middle of a busy week day...have fun!

The more you spend happy and joyful moments with your own self, the better you will become with people and situations around you.

A happy mind is more powerful than anything else in this world. Even if you are in a very crazy and difficult phase of your life, this will work as magic as you will attract and achieve whatever you wish for.

Pamper...pamper...pamper! Your keyword not for any Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to improve your online presence, but a Life Existence Optimization (LEO) to be on the top in your life journey!

Happy Weekend :)

Saturday 13 April 2019

Joy Spotting #9: Hit Restart on Your Life!

It was a lazy day on a weekend, and I was catching up with an old friend. After a while, I glanced at my laptop and noticed that it was stuck at one of the open web pages and a buffering symbol was rotating in 'loop'.

I realised that it is not going to work or can do anything else until I just restart my laptop. My friend also suggested that I should clear all cache and it will work smoothly there on.

And here in that fraction of a second I also realised that it is such a simple and magical analogy to save us from lot of our life issues and problems that we feel stuck with!

Many a times, all of us just keep pondering over issues, keep haggling over what's going to happen and just feel stuck with problems that seem to have no end.

Why not 'restart' your life, clear the 'cache'of all the stored worries and make some empty space in your mind to bring in happiness and joy?

It beautifully works as you regain strength to again get on with your life, with much more ease and without the burden of your old problems that kept lingering in your mind.

Try it! It will be a new beginning and going to bring small and big joys in your life for sure.

Hit Restart NOW!


Saturday 16 March 2019

Joy Spotting #8: Are you becoming a puppeteer?

I have seen a lot of people who want control over lot many things their lives, like relationships, love, jobs, marriage, money, children, health etc.

You will ask me – So what’s wrong in that? Shouldn’t we be in control of our lives? We just can’t be careless? Isn’t it?

Yes, you should have control over all of these and many more, but not to an extent that it worries you.
A slight deviation in your plan and it nags you.

For e.g. You have a certain beautiful vision about your relationship with your spouse or children or colleague. But the reality is showing you a different picture altogether. Doesn’t mean your relationship with that person is going all wrong…and you start thinking of how to bring this person back to the storyline that you had written in your mind…It’s not going the way you had thought of.

Life is not a puppet show where a storyline is being played in front of the world by you ‘the puppeteer’; and where you guide and direct the characters in and around your life.

And if you are becoming a puppeteer…where you are pulling strings to make the other person, relationship or situation to behave in a manner that you would like to see, it will lead you being worried, stressed and helpless too at times.

What to do in when you find yourself becoming a puppeteer of your life?

Take the first step towards acceptance: Accept what you see in real. Everything cannot be programmed as per your wish.

Second step: In that reality, find goodness in what you have. Work towards amplifying that goodness in people/situations/relationships. And while you are at it, don’t go back to the other ‘programmed’ vision you had about them and try to bring that vision in to reality.

This might take some time but will give you immense freedom, lightness and joy.

Remember…focus on what you have and the goodness in these ‘haves’ and you will most certainly will find yourself in a happy space.

 Cheers J